Saturday, October 16, 2010

Engine Worship: Bristol Atomic Four

"Down on your knees" is how to appease the engine Gods. Sometimes you must embrace the engine with one arm on either side to turn a bolt on the back side of the engine. There's scarcely space for a hand, let alone a tool, to fit between the engine and the bulkheads on either side. If you want to see what you're doing, good luck. And take off your watch before giving yourself to sacrifice.
Seawater impeller replacement: check
Oil Change: check
New Plugs: materials acquired
New Plug wires: materials acquired
New Coil: materials acquired
New Coolant Pump: materials acquired

Annual McNish Wooden Boat Race

Savannah took 3rd in class on a gloomy day with light airs. In fact, it took 5 minutes to make the final 50 yards to the starting line. We crossed about 25 seconds after our start time. Light airs do not favor the small boats that start early. Gilbert Paquet took these photos, scaling the mast to the first spreader to do so.